Title : Revenge of the Brotherhood Filename : REVENGE.INI, REVENGE.MAP Savegame name : SAVEGAME.001 Author : Chris Peddecord Compuserve Address : 102622.1454 Internet Address : 102622.1454@compuserve.com Misc. Author Info : Don't Ask Machine : 486\DX 66mhz Description : It has been 25 years since GDI captured The Temple of Nod. GDI has let down there guard and thinks NOD is dead, they thought wrong. Now, the year 2099, NOD aided by other terrorist groups has healed and is back, and out for blood. NOD spies and operatives have stolen back your base of operations and through cyberspace stole money from citizens across the world. NOD now has ample strength to take the surrounding bases and, if you complete your task, the world. Briefing : Take out every GDI unit in the area, make sure nothing is left of GDI. Succeed in this, you shall become the new leader of NOD, if you fail, death shall become you, as well as NOD. Intelligence : The northern side of the Danube has been alerted to your presence but don't have many units to attack, but the southern side has been alerted and has shitloads of tanks attacking. Three Mammoth tanks are being controlled by the Brotherhood of Don. Additional Credits to : Andrew Heesbeen for his graphical editor, me for my brilliance, and Westwood Studios for releasing Command & Conquer. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level and Map : Replaces SCB13EA.INI AND SCB13EA.MAP Difficulty : Hard, very hard Chances of Survival : Bleak, very bleak. Music : I suggest either some Van Halen, Mettalica, or track 19. Maybe even some Nirvana. * Construction * Base : extracted scb13.ini and .map erased everything and started building. Editor used : CCMAP Bulid Time : 1 hour Known Bugs : None as of yet * Copyright / Permissions * You may edit this level with written consent only. You may distribute this level with this text file only.